Picture Gallery Basic CERT Training Class – Spring 2017 03-23-17 Class was Disaster Medical Operations – part 1 Instructor, Paramedic James Holt, shared his knowledge with participants Practicing applying direct pressure to a wound Practicing skills learned in first aid Paramedic James Holt Links to videos from class: 3-23-17 JB demonstrating 3-23-17 Jason glove practice 3-23-17 Marion glove practice 03-20-17 Search and rescue was the topic tonight Lt. Gary Schurr returned to share his expertise Lt. Schurr demonstrating cribbing – a technique used to lift a heavy object to aid victims that may be trapped under it Class participant trying her hand at cribbing 03-16-17 Fire safety and utility control training Firefighter, Lt. Gary Schurr, instructing on fire safety. Protective equipment Class participants Practice turning off utilities Learned the crucial concept of “size up” https://www.elmacert.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/3-16-17-Fire-extinguisher-trianing.mp4 Hands on practice with fire extinguishers video 03-13-2017 First class attendees Edward Sauer instructing Team building exercise Tower building Another tower going up Working together as a team Another tower rising Getting started on tower building